Course Description

Public safety dispatchers who choose to accept a supervisory position are agreeing, whether they realize it or not, to enter the world of risk management. The vitally important skills that they have honed as dispatchers—the ability to multitask, make quick decisions while under stress and communicate with citizens in crisis—will still be foundational to what they do as supervisors, but they will be required to add tools to their toolbox. Today’s increased scrutiny placed upon public safety professionals has not excluded telecommunicators, and supervisors are crucial to limiting liability, maintaining organizational standards and protecting the public trust.

In this webinar, Attorney Matt Dolan will utilize case law and real-world case studies from the world of public safety telecommunications, to illustrate the most common and costly liability issues confronting supervisors in this area and effective strategies to minimize that liability. 

In this webinar, topics covered will include:

  • The 3 most important questions in supervisor liability

                         -  What did you know?

                         -  When did you know it?

                         -  What did you do?

  •  “Inspect What You Expect”—taking on the role of early detection and intervention
  • The Just Cause Doctrine and consistent employee discipline
  • The “Supervisor Liability Balancing Act” between holding employees accountable and respecting employee rights in the workplace


Director, Dolan Consulting Group

| Attorney Matt Dolan

Matt Dolan is a licensed attorney in the State of Illinois, who specializes in training and advising public safety agencies in matters of labor and employment law. His practice experience focuses on employment discrimination claims brought under federal law, including Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 ("Title VII"), the Americans with Disabilities Act ("ADA"), and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act ("ADEA"). He received his Bachelor's Degree in Political Science from DePaul University and his J.D. from Loyola University Chicago School of Law.

Matt serves as a public safety instructor with Dolan Consulting Group. He has trained and advised thousands of public safety professionals throughout the United States in matters of legal liability related to personnel management.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Before You Start

    • Consent Questions

  • 2


    • Supervisor Liability for Telecommunications Dispatchers | Hour 1

    • Supervisor Liability for Telecommunications Dispatchers | Hour 2