Course Description

In recent years, more and more law enforcement agencies have acquired small unmanned aerial systems—more commonly called drones—in an effort to harness this technology to enhance agency operations and improve officer and public safety.  Many large and small public safety agencies are recognizing the benefits these inexpensive tools can offer.  Just for starters, drones can be incorporated into searches for lost or missing individuals, crowd control operations, natural disaster rescues, surveillance operations, monitoring pursuits, SWAT raids and barricaded persons incidents.   

But, beyond simply purchasing and dispersing this technology to officers, agencies are legally bound to meet Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) rules in getting their drones program off the ground and maximizing the opportunities that they present.  While these FAA regulations can seem complex and burdensome, in this two-hour webinar, Sgt. Ron Shelnutt will walk through the “nuts and bolts” of FAA compliance for agencies eager to leverage this exciting new technology.  As Commander of the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department’s Aviation Unit, Sgt. Shelnutt is an expert in the process of training individuals and agencies to operate drones safely, effectively, and legally.

In this webinar, topics covered will include:

  • Overview of the FAA’s requirements and approval process for public safety agencies
  • Drone operator selection and training
  • The FAA Part 107 licensing process for drone operators
  • The FAA Certificate of Authorization Process
  • Equipment options for your agency in the short-term and long-term planning of a drones program



Ron Shelnutt

Sergeant Ron Shelnutt has served in Law Enforcement for 32 years, starting as a special deputy in 1991 for the Marion County Sheriff’s Department in Indiana. In 2018 Sgt. Shelnutt was named the Administration Officer of the Year and in 2023 was named Officer of the Year for the Indianapolis Metro Police. He has twice been awarded the Medal of Valor and in 2016 received an Emmy Award for his work with drones on TV. Sgt. Shelnutt spent 16 years in K9 before he started the drone program in 2018 for the IMPD. In 2022 Sgt. Shelnutt was named the Commander of the IMPD Aviation Unit.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Before You Start

    • Consent Questions

  • 2


    • Getting Your Drones Program Off the Ground | Hour 1

    • Getting Your Drones Program Off the Ground | Hour 2