Course Description

There are many challenges and potential pitfalls in dealing with the difficult task of investigating crime scenes of murdered children. In this webinar, Lisa Mayhew MS will help attendees prepare for these cases by developing strategies to maximize investigative strengths and reduce weaknesses. Register to learn how the interplay of investigative fundamentals, crime scenes, interviews, and interrogations result in successful case outcomes. 

We have dedicated a third hour of this webinar to present a case study to demonstrate the applied principles to a real-life investigation. 

Webinar Agenda:

  • Fundamentals

                           - What investigators are most likely to see

                          - Common mechanisms and outliers

                          - Importance of notification

                          - Commonalities

                          - What has changed and what hasn’t

  • Crime Scene

                          - Typical vs Atypical

                          - Pictures

                          - Forensics 

  • Interview and Interrogation

                         - Every word is important

                         - Commonalities

                         - Language

                         - Behavioral Analysis of Maternal Filicide

                         - Reconstructions

  • Case Study


Child Death Investigator & Trainer, NC Office of the Chief Medical Examiner

Lisa Mayhew, MS

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Before You Start

    • Consent Questions

  • 2


    • Child Homicide Investigations | Section 1

    • Child Homicide Investigations | Section 2

    • Child Homicide Investigations | Section 3